
Planet Adyn by M.L. Wang
Planet Adyn by M.L.  Wang

Planet Adyn by M.L. Wang

One of the things I liked about this book was the length.

Planet Adyn by M.L. Wang

In hindsight in the prequel it did say follow the family in the theonite series, so now I understand what the means. It instantly shifted things in a different direction. So straight off the bat it was a different POV since the prequel dealt with a mother and her son. The book first off is very much YA, dealing with a girl who develops this power at a young age and discovering a whole new world. I’m not saying it was bad at all it was just saying that it surprised me.

Planet Adyn by M.L. Wang

Reading that book gave me a certain expectation to how the series was going to be, but it’s safe to say that it didn’t go how I expected at all. The prequel, was very mature and very character based and had a Japanese style background which I enjoyed a lot. Questions gather like storm clouds: Who is this villain they are hunting? Why won't Robin reveal his name? As the sky darkens, Daniel and Joan start to wonder who is really being hunted.A couple months ago I finished a book called the sword of Kaigen, which was the prequel to this book, which was written after the Theonite series. But this is the first time a mission has brought them to a parallel dimension, and something about it doesn't sit right with Daniel. The two of them have chased criminals all over their own planet of super-powered beings. Now, the most powerful girl on Earth faces a choice: will she retreat back to the safety of her life in hiding or brave the storm for a chance at truth and friendship?For Daniel Thundyil and his crime-fighter father, Robin, adventures in exotic places are nothing new.

Planet Adyn by M.L. Wang

And the moment she started prying into his life, she put herself in the sights of the godlike evil that follows him from his dimension. What she doesn't realize is that Daniel isn't just another Earthling with uncanny abilities he is an inter-dimensional traveler from a world of super-powered beings. Burning with curiosity and desperate to end her loneliness, Joan makes it her mission to get to the bottom of this boy's secrets. Since that painful revelation, she has hidden her powers, isolating herself from others, even keeping her own parents at a distance.However, all that changes when a boy named Daniel Thundyil transfers to her school and she begins to suspect that he is concealing powers of his own. Joan Messi is at her happiest when she uses her powers-stirring air currents, creating fire, and levitating metal objects-but she learned at a young age that no one in her small-minded suburban town was prepared to accept her abilities.

Planet Adyn by M.L.  Wang