With only one another to depend on, they searched for answers and found the truth about their terrifying fate. They faced an empty, unknown place of twisting tunnels and human bones. She and the other young people she was chosen to lead awoke in strange coffins with no memory of their names or their pasts. Savageor Em, as she is calledhas made a bewildering and ominous discovery. Now he expands his singular vision in the next thrilling novel of this powerful sci-fi adventure series.' If it's war they want, they messed with the wrong girl.' M. Items in this collection are restricted.In Alive, Scott Sigler introduced readers to an unforgettable young heroine and a mysterious new world reminiscent of those of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Red Rising. In the midst of this desperate struggle, their unity is compromised from within-and a dangerous zealot devoted to a bloodthirsty god moves to usurp Em’s command, threatening to lead them all down a path to violent doom. And when a new enemy creeps from the jungle shadows, Em and her young refugees learn there’s nowhere left to run. Vestiges of a lost civilization testify to a horrifying past that may yet repeat itself. But the planet for which they were created turns out not to be a pristine, virgin world. The planet Omeyocan may be the sanctuary Em and her comrades seek.

Confronted by a monstrous enemy, they vowed never to surrender-and, by any means, to survive.

Savage-or Em, as she is called-has made a bewildering and ominous discovery. “If it’s war they want, they messed with the wrong girl.” Now he expands his singular vision in the next thrilling novel of this powerful sci-fi adventure series.

In Alive, Scott Sigler introduced readers to an unforgettable young heroine and a mysterious new world reminiscent of those of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Red Rising.